Saturday, May 12, 2007

An introduction

Hey guys,
welcome to our blog. This blog is about P.A.W.S. (People for Animal Welfare and Sustenance) formed by some of my very special friends and me.
Before i introduce us further, i would like you to read a poem i wrote about P.A.W.S. :

talking about them, so simple.
caring for them, such an effort.
we humans think we are superior
to those animals who seek comfort.

we tie them, kick them,
play with them whenever we want.
but they follow us around in our
house from dusk to dawn.

they never leave their faith.
never leave their loyalty
then why does human calls himself superior
when he, for some comfort, ditches his novelty.

we hear about them getting extinct
not a fiber feeling sorry
its just an article in the paper
that's what human thinks drowned in his glory.

never spared a thought for those innocent souls
humans are busy in achieving their goals
oh,we say they are just another form of life
we lose more respect the harder we strive,
to find comfort and happiness
and a sorrow less life.

but what humans don't know
is that animals know more than us
they have fought the battle of life
to survive along with us.

they are our ancestors
and our teachers
they're part of our souls
we are important for each other
like a magnet's poles.

human should understand
that animals started this world
and they deserved the respect
that we away have hurled.

they have made it possible
for us to survive
in this world full of danger
through the battle of life.

so don't u think its our responsibility
to help them when they need us
because they helped us become a human
from the early man without a fuss.

so start working that is what we think
that is why we have formed P.A.W.S. ,
we love animals and adore them
and its time to work because duty calls.



uPaSaNa said...

nice blog..!!!u r really crazy for animals specially DOGS...bhow wow...
nywez mah blog : it out..

Rashmi Kathuria said...

That really wonderful to see your concern about animals in such a young age.I hope to see more about it in your upcoming posts.
Best Wishes.

Rash Kath