Saturday, May 12, 2007

so now,
we have a group called P.A.W.S. (People for Animal Welfare and Sustenance) which works for the betterment of dogs. Now, u must be wondering ---how can anyone of our age group do something like this? So, let me publish some information of our working:

The members of P.A.W.S put up stalls and sell the things made by us which is totally environment friendly and raise money. We take up an area one by one. And then provide the stray dogs with food, shelter and get them vaccinated against rabies.
Some part of the money raised, goes to an organization called FRIENDECOS (pronounced: friend-ecos) which is currently in south Delhi. it keeps stray animals, takes care of them and gives them a better habitat than the polluted streets to live in. They even maintain a dog and cat clinic where our group goes to get the animals vaccinated.

And now that you are thorough with the above, you must be clear why we are here. All we want is to create awareness about the betterment of animals.

Little things make a big difference and i am sure our little efforts would help those innocent souls...


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